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Application letter for a job vacancy

How cover letter maker Tool works

Create a Cover letter Effortlessly!

Crafting a personalized cover letter has never been easier, thanks to our innovative Cover Letter Generator tool. In just under 15 minutes, you can have a meticulously tailored cover letter that captures your unique qualifications and impresses recruiters.

How does it work? It's simple. Select your preferred template from our collection and respond to a brief set of questions about yourself, including your desired job title, personal details, employer specifics, as well as your skills and experiences. Once you've provided these insights, our intuitive online cover letter builder will work its magic, generating a professionally polished cover letter that is bound to captivate recruiters' attention.

Choose a template from the list below to make a cover letter that will land you an interview.

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Cover Letter Maker
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Choose this templates to generate a cover letter
Cover Letter Maker
Choose this templates to build a cover letter

Invest 15 Minutes in Your Professional Development

Even the most frequent job applicant finds it difficult to write an impressive cover letter. However, using our free Cover Letter generator, you can create an interview-winning cover letter. The cover letter generator walks you through the process of creating an industry-specific and personalized cover letter. Choose from a variety of expert-recommended cover letter templates, each designed by professionals to fit your style and meet your job-seeking requirements. Simply answer a few intuitive questions, and we'll make sure your experiences, skills, and attributes stand out.

How we get you hired

Tested templates

When making the cover letter, we exclusively utilize cover letter formats that recruiters have endorsed, and we also subject them to ATS. testing.

Tested phrases

We incorporate specialized terminology from your industry to make your cover letter, providing you with a competitive advantage over fellow job applicants.

Job specific

We make certain when making your cover letter, that you utilize and personalize the appropriate cover letter for the specific job you are applying for.

Step by step

Our Cover Letter Maker provides a structured, step-by-step process that assures the simplicity and ease of crafting your cover letter from beginning to end.

Types of Cover Letter

Using our cover letter generator, you will be able to make different kind cover letters. It is therefore important to know the different kind of cover letter and their importance.

Application Cover Letter

A cover letter for an application is written to apply for a specific position that has become available. As part of your application package, you send this type of cover letter to the recruiter or hiring manager, along with your resume or CV. In a manner that a resume can't, a cover letter should express your experience. It should create a captivating tale about what you are passionate about. Last but not least, it should emphasize your assets. Consider the cover letter as a sales pitch for why you are the ideal applicant for the job.

Referral Cover Letter

A referral cover letter mentions the name of the person who referred you to the job. This will quickly gain the attention of the employer, especially if they’re known by the recipient. For this reason, including the referral’s name within the first few lines of the cover letter. See the introduction in the cover letter example below: “Dear [hiring manager], I am writing to you regarding the open editor position at your company. I worked alongside Jane Doe for over a decade in the publishingdepartment at cvshaper, and she suggested I contact you.” Take the time to include all pertinent information as you would in the application cover letter after your introduction.

Networking Cover Letter

A networking cover letter’s purpose is to put yourself out there by asking for job search advice or open position referrals. You would use this letter to reach out to contacts you have gained through previous jobs, industry conferences, professional social media platforms, continuing education and networking events. Here is an example: “Dear [former classmate], First, congratulations on completing your MBA this year. What an accomplishment! I just finished mine this summer and am starting to look for a new opportunity. As a highly regarded professional in the technology space, I thought you might know if any of the companies you do business with are hiring IT managers. If so, would you be able to provide me with their contact information or introduce me? I look forward to hearing from you, and I would love to meet for coffee or lunch soon too. Please let me know when you are available, so we can find time to reconnect. Regards, Bob Jones”

Prospecting Cover Letter

A prospecting cover letter is one you would send to a company you would like to work for. Maybe their culture seems like a perfect match for what you are seeking, or they are top-rated by employees and have glowing reviews on Glassdoor. You will want to make specific connections and show that you know something about the company to stand out. It is worth the effort, even if the company does not have any current open positions. They will add you to their talent community, so you hear about the organization’s opportunities first. This prospecting cover letter could also be used to reach out to recruiters you know are working for several clients. It would be similar in nature, except make connections to the recruiters’ specialization/industry if you are not aware of who their clients are specifically. Here are a couple of examples of introductions: “Dear [hiring manager], After reading an industry trade publication last week and seeing mention of your organization, I was interested in learning more about your company culture. I was impressed to discover your focus on innovation and your belief that empowering employees to be entrepreneurial is what leads to continued growth. In my most recent position, I designed a new way of processing invoices that maximized efficiency in the department.”

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

A cover letter is an official letter written by job seeker to prospective employer to explains why they want an advertised job. The cover letter explain why the job seekers are qualified for that job and show cases their strengths, experience and expertise. The cover letter is a one page letter that consist of two to four paragraphs. Job winning cover letter are the one written keeping in mind the outlined needs in the job description as advertised; stating how your skill set and experience can address those needs. Your cover letter is also a place to show your enthusiasm for the position and organization by demonstrating how you uniquely understand their mission, values, and accomplishments.

Letter of interest (Speculative cover letter) are cover letter written to connect with employers when the employers are not advertising vacancies, and can have great results. They’re also an effective way of getting internships or work placements. Lots of positions are filled without ever being advertised. A speculative cover letter could be your way in - but it can be difficult to get the tone right.Learn more

A successful cover letter will be able to give an employer a preview of the type of employee you are likely to be when employed. Winning cover letter can properly inform companies of an individual’s skills and experiences, while remaining professional and modest.

A cover letter maker is an online web application or rather an online system that helps web users to create a cover letter with interactive forms and templates. The cover letter creator helps provide the right kind of information employers want to see with HR expert tips and suggestions while building your cover letter.

Cvshaper cover letter builder tool is for those people who are seeking for employment and need help to write the most professional cover letter, putting in consideration the use of ATS, to ensure your application pass the ATS test.

A cover letters should be one page with two to four paragraphs.

The standard layout for cover letter should looks a formal letter: Sender names and contacts, recipient name and address; salutation; ref; Introduction; body; conclusion; regards.

cvshaper.com cover letter maker tool, is a free tool aimed at helping job seekers to make cover letter from wherever they are with ease.

No, Cover letters are formal documents. Use fonts like Times New Roman or Ariel that are clear and professional. Your font size should be between 11 and 12. Don’t include your picture or clip art.

A cover letter should always accompany your resume. Few employers will seriously consider a resume without a cover letter. A cover letter tells the employer exactly what kind of job you want to do and tailors your qualifications to that job.

With cvshaper.com you can as well download templates and samples of cv, resume, cover letter, quotation, invoice etc.

Cvshaper’s cover letter generator is a tool that anyone can use at any location. If you’re tired of formatting your job application letter in a word processor or have limited time, then cvshaper helps cut down on how long it will take you to make a cover letter on your own.

Cover letter Blog Post

How to write a Speculative cover letter

If you're tired of trawling through job sites and not finding what you're looking for, a speculative cover letter could be the solution. Speculative cover letters can be a great way to connect with employers when they aren't advertising vacancies. They're also a good way to get internships or work placements. Many jobs are filled without ever being advertised. A speculative cover letter could be your ticket in, but getting the tone just right can be difficult.

Here's how to craft a speculative cover letter that strikes the right balance and gets you in the door.

Extensive research

When you've decided on an organization to apply to, the first thing you should do is research it. Learn everything you can about the organization, its employees, and the industry in which it operates.

Examine the organization's website, LinkedIn page, and social media profiles, as well as news articles about it. The more information you have, the better you will be able to determine how your skills, experience, and interests can benefit the organization.

To find out who to address your cover letter to, carefully review the organization's staff list. If the company is small, this could be the managing director or a department head.

It is critical that you address the cover letter to a specific individual. Using the phrases 'Dear Sir or Madam'. ’To whom it may concern' will not earn you any points.

Keep it formal.

When writing a speculative cover letter, it is best to use a formal tone. Don't be overly familiar because you don't know the person.

Begin with 'Dear [person's name],' and avoid any casual chit-chat such as 'I hope you had a good weekend.' Maintain a friendly but professional tone throughout, and end with 'Yours sincerely'.

Make no apologies.

A speculative cover letter may appear pushy or presumptuous to you, but hiring managers are unlikely to see it that way.

Don't be tempted to begin your cover letter with something like, "I hope you don't mind me contacting you unsolicited." This is courteous, but the implication that the hiring manager may not want you to contact them is tantamount to an apology.

There's no need to apologize - a speculative cover letter shows that you're enthusiastic and proactive, not arrogant. Be polite but direct, which brings us nicely to our next point.

Get to the point quickly.

Hiring managers are extremely busy; therefore, do not waste their time. Long, repetitive introductions, clichéd language, and wordy explanations that are unlikely to be read characterize far too many speculative cover letters. Let's get right to the point. Explain why you're writing and how you can help the organization with a few key highlights from your CV.

The goal of a speculative cover letter is to get the hiring manager to look at your CV, so give them a reason to read it right away with three or four solid points. These could be formatted as bullet points to make them easier to read.

Keep your paragraphs short and snappy, and try to keep your cover letter to half a page or less, and no more than one page.

Concentrate on the employer.

A speculative cover letter should contain as much (if not more) information about the organization to which you are writing as it does about you.

Try not to begin each paragraph with 'I.' You want to communicate what you can do for the organization and why you want to work there, so try to demonstrate your research knowledge. What are the organization's challenges and opportunities? Concentrate on the person reading the cover letter and their priorities, and provide a few examples from your own experience to demonstrate how you can meet them.

Finish it up

Stay away from the hard sell. Some sources advise concluding with something like, 'I'll call you next week to schedule an interview,' but this pushy approach may backfire. Finish simply by expressing your desire to continue the conversation. Indicate how the hiring manager can contact you (for example, by phone or email), followed by 'I look forward to hearing from you.'

Check for typos and grammatical errors as you would any other document. If possible, have someone else proofread it for you.

If you haven't heard anything after a few weeks, it's a good idea to follow up via email or phone. This demonstrates perseverance and a genuine desire to work for the organization.

Summary: How to write a speculative Cover letter

A speculative cover letter can be a great way to connect with a company and get one step closer to your dream job. Even if the employer does not have any immediate openings, it may place you on their radar as someone to contact in the future.

We hope our guide has helped you understand how to write a speculative cover letter. Remember that a cover letter serves as bait to entice hiring managers to read your CV, so make it as good as it can be!

You can use our online cover letter generator if you need assistance writing a cover letter.

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2022

So how do you write a cover letter in 2022, in the most effective way? Before we go into how to create a cover letter and show you some of our cover letter ideas, it's important to know what a cover letter is and why you need one for your job application.

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document that exposes a job seeker's employment experience, professional qualifications, and personal interest in applying for a position.

A cover letter's primary aim is to supplement the content of your resume. Your CV emphasizes your qualifications and accomplishments, while your cover letter elaborates on those accomplishments, highlights your personality, and explains why you'd be a good fit for the organization.

Cover letters, while they may appear out of date today, are nonetheless required. Because of the high unemployment rate in 2022, there will be more job seekers than in the past, and creating a cover letter can help your application stand out when applying for competitive opportunities.

If you include an effective cover letter with your well-written resume, your job application will swiftly demonstrate to managers and recruiters that you are both competent and a good fit for the work.

What should be included in your cover letter?

Use the following framework when you begin writing the cover letter:
Body paragraph Opening paragraph: Opening paragraph mentioning your years of relevant experience, how you learned about the job, and why you're interested in the role. If you don't use the relevant job title here, the company will assume you're sending out a generic cover letter.

Cover letter Body paragraph: Body paragraph(s) demonstrating your professional accomplishments, talents, and job experience. These examples should all relate to why you are the best match for the position.

You can include bullet points in this section to highlight your greatest relevant achievements.
Using numbers to outline these achievements makes their significance more apparent to the hiring manager.

Cover letter Closing paragraph: Closing paragraph in which you convey your interest (again) and reiterate why you are the best candidate for the job. You can also specify whether you wish to be contacted by phone or email. If you prefer phone calls, please specify when you are available.

[Sincerely / Best / Best regards],

[Your name]

How to write a cover letter that gets you the job.

From top to bottom, here’s how to make a cover letter in seven steps:

  1. Include your contact information.
  2. Address the recruiting manager (ideally by name)
  3. Create an eye-catching beginning paragraph.
  4. In your body paragraph, explain why you are qualified for the job.
  5. Connect your experience to the demands of the organization.
  6. Finish with a strong conclusion paragraph.
  7. Include a nice sign-off.

1. Include your contact information.

List the following contact information beneath your name in your cover letter header:
Name (first and last)
Contact information via email (something professional, usually including your name)
Phone number
Postal address (optional)
Link to LinkedIn profile (optional)
Website or portfolio? (optional)
Include the date and the following firm contact information after your header:

First and last name of the person to whom you are writing, as well as the relevant department
Address and phone number of the company
Email address of the hiring manager

2. Address the recruiting manager (ideally by name)

First and last name of the person to whom you are writing, as well as the relevant department
Address and phone number of the company
Email address of the hiring manager

3. Create an eye-catching beginning paragraph.

Begin your cover letter with an informative, direct introduction that includes the following information in the first one or two sentences:

Position in the company: The advertised position's title

Name of the company: The name of the firm to which you are applying

How you found the opening: Whether you found the position on LinkedIn, a job board, or were suggested to apply by a friend, you should apply.

With the intent to apply: An impassioned declaration that you're applying for the available position and why you're interested in or qualified for it.

Notable achievements: If you have relevant work experience, emphasize one or two of your most remarkable accomplishments in your introduction to get the employer's attention right away.

You can also make your introduction more interesting by inserting a little of personality, enthusiasm, or a key career highlight. Don't be scared to let your personality shine through in your cover letter.

Just be sure you use the appropriate tone for your industry or field. If you're applying for a job in law or finance, for example, make your writing formal.

4. In your body paragraph, explain why you are qualified for the job.

Your second and third paragraphs should build a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job by outlining your relevant work experience, skills, and accomplishments.

Here are some things to put in your cover letter to demonstrate your worth to a potential employer:
Professional accomplishments: Did you meet or surpass your production, sales, income, profit, customer satisfaction, or other company goals?
Professional compliments: Have you earned compliments for your efforts from management or coworkers?
Professional recognition: Have you received recognition for your job, such as "Employee of the Month"?

5. Connect your experience to the demands of the organization.

Begin closing your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the job and outlining how your experience fits into the company's needs.

For example, if you're applying for a job at a firm that's looking to break into a new market in which you have experience, you should emphasize this in your writing.

If you're not sure what the company's aims or needs are, perform some general online research. Take notice of the items or services they provide, the work culture they have, and any future aspirations they have.

6. Finish with a strong conclusion paragraph.

Be polite, confident, and continue to pitch yourself as the finest candidate for the position when writing your cover letter ending. In three steps, here's how to write a convincing concluding paragraph for your cover letter:

Reiterate your enthusiasm for the job opportunity.
Request that the reader email you an invitation to an interview in a polite manner.
Thank you for submitting your application to the recruiting manager.

7. Include a nice sign-off.

Finally, close your cover letter with a professional salutation:
Then, type your full name two spaces below the salutation.

Cover Letter for an Internship (Examples & Tips for All Interns)

How to write an internship cover letter in 2022

A decent internship cover letter must persuade the company that you have the necessary abilities, willingness, and determination to succeed in your internship position.
This is especially true given the fact that companies frequently hire interns.

Don’t be concerned on how to write the internship letter

In this post, we'll show you how to write an internship cover letter that will get you more interviews than any other cover letter you've ever written. You'll also get to view three full-length internship cover letter examples or samples that you may copy, alter, and tailor to your own needs.

Your internship cover letter gives you the opportunity to highlight your greatest traits, talents, and experiences in order to demonstrate to employers that you have the necessary knowledge to succeed in the position. You may write a convincing letter and go one step closer to getting the internship you want by following these guidelines.

How to Write an Internship Cover Letter

Employ the Business Letter Format.

When writing a cover letter, use proper business letter structure. Include your contact information at the top, as well as the date and the employer's contact information. Include a formal salutation and sign your name at the bottom. You do not need to add your contact information at the start of the cover letter if you are sending it by email. Instead, include this in your email signature at the bottom of your letter.

Personalize Your Cover Letter

Make a distinct cover letter for each internship for which you apply. Highlight your talents and qualities that are relevant to the specific internship description. The main point of your cover letter should be to persuade the reader that you would be a valuable contribution as an intern.

Make use of Keywords

Using keywords from the internship listing is one approach to personalize your message. Include an example of how you have proven time management abilities in the past, for example, if the listing states that the intern must have exceptional "time management skills."

Give specific examples.

If you state in your cover letter that you have a certain skill or aptitude, be sure to back it up with a concrete example from your previous job, academic, or extracurricular experience.

Your Academic Experience Should Be Highlighted

If applicable, you can add academic experience in the letter. You may utilize instances from school to demonstrate certain talents, especially if you have minimal work experience. Provide an example of a successful team project you worked on during one of your college courses, for example, if the internship needs you to work as part of a team.

Include Extracurricular Activities

You can also include information about your relevant extracurricular activities or volunteer work. A reporter for a college newspaper, for example, can demonstrate interviewing and writing skills; a history of volunteering at a shelter can demonstrate good interpersonal and organizational skills.

Following Up

Mention how you intend to follow up with the employer near the end of your letter. You may claim you'll phone the office in a week to follow up (don't call any sooner). However, if the internship listing clearly states not to contact the office, do not include this.

Edit and proofread

Make certain that your cover letter is thoroughly proofread for spelling and grammar problems. Many internships are extremely competitive, and any mistake can jeopardize your chances of securing an interview. Also, try not to use too many words to convey your knowledge and goal. Keep your points brief and to the point.

Samples of Internship Cover Letters

[Today’s Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

I'm writing to express my interest in the newly available marketing position. I found the job description on [Website Name] and was ecstatic to discover that my academic achievements met all of the requirements. This intriguing opportunity appealed to me because I am looking for a tough yet rewarding internship.

I've gained vast knowledge in advertising, public relations, product development, and market research as a junior marketing student at the [name of University]. I currently have a 3.8 GPA and have consistently made the Dean's List each semester. I intentionally targeted my coursework in the following areas while at the college of business:

  • Marketing Intelligence
  • Marketing Administration
  • Survey Analysis
  • Internet Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Communications that are Integrated

I built a marketing strategy for a local pet grooming service that generated the maximum return on investment based on a budget using my understanding of the above. Because of the success of the campaign, I was awarded third place in the University business plan competition.

I would be ecstatic to meet with you in person and have an interview with you. Please accept the included resume and do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible. I appreciate your thoughts and time.


[Your Name]

Second: Samples of Internship Cover Letters

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

I'm sending in my résumé for consideration for the ABC Company's summer application design internship program. Given the talents and experience listed in my resume, I am certain that I will be a valuable member of your team.

I've completed a lot of coursework on cutting-edge design trends and best practices during my three years at XYZ College, including Principles of User Experience Design and Mobile Application Design, where I learned and applied skills like user journey mapping, application wire framing, and designing software for a variety of mobile devices and operating systems.

In addition, I volunteered with a local non-profit that collects donated clothing and furniture and redistributes it to families in need over the past semester. I assisted the web team in updating and re-launching an app that allows community members to find nearby drop-off spots and schedule pick-ups.

Finally, working as a barista at the student center for two years has taught me the value of creating a convenient and memorable consumer experience that is consistent with the brand. It also helped me improve my teamwork, verbal communication, and project management abilities.

I believe I would be a valuable member of your team. This internship would allow me to gain valuable real-world experience in the technology business while also allowing me to improve and enhance my application design abilities.

I eagerly await your response!

[Your Name]

Third: Samples of Internship Cover Letters

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

I'm writing to express my interest in the [company name] scientific research summer internship position. I believe that my research and conservation experience qualify me for this position.

In chemistry, biology, and geology, I have extensive research expertise in both the lab and the outdoors. My background is primarily on environmental field research. I'm currently performing research on the water quality of a neighboring pond in our school's outdoor laboratory. I'm aware that water quality evaluation is a requirement of this internship, and I'm confident that my background qualifies me for it.

I worked as a conservation assistant at Clumber Park, a National Trust property, last summer. In addition to trail maintenance and construction, I worked as a research assistant for the park's research department. I analyzed soil samples and entered data from a variety of research projects. The director of the research organization gave me a particular praise for my meticulous attention to detail and commitment to research.

I believe I would be a valuable addition to your program. This internship would be an excellent way for me to contribute to your business while also honing my research skills.

I'll call you next week to see whether you think my qualifications are a good fit for the job. If that's the case, I'd like to set up an interview at a mutually agreeable time. I eagerly anticipate speaking with you.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

What is the best way to send a cover letter?

Unless you're hand-delivering your resume and cover letter, your cover letter will very certainly be sent electronically. Employers may request that you submit your cover letter as part of your application. In other circumstances, they'll request that you send your cover letter together with your resume through email.

You can achieve this in one of two ways:

Sending the cover letter as an attachment

Include a cover letter with your email. If an employer requests that you attach your internship cover letter to an email, you can choose the file from your computer and attach it. Make sure your name is included in the file name. Instead of something generic and difficult to find, like coverletter2.doc, use [Your names]-Cover-Letter.pdf.

Sending the cover letter in email body

In the email's body, paste your cover letter If the cover letter isn't requested as an attachment by the company, you can simply put it into the email body. Simply change the greeting to the recipient's name (if you know it).

A cover letter is a vital document to demonstrate your experience and appropriateness for the position you are looking for, regardless of where you are in your career. It's a chance to describe particular situations and highlight important talents that aren't covered on your CV.

When writing your cover letter's content, it's crucial to keep it short and sweet, even using bullet points to highlight key topics. The hiring manager may just have a few minutes to study your application in its entirety and does not have time to sit down and read a story.

We've included some examples to help you write the finest cover letter possible. Allow the information to serve as inspiration for your own cover letter. Consider the most essential things you've done in your profession thus far and how you might integrate those experiences in your cover letter.

It's critical to tailor your cover letter to the position for which you're applying. After all, each position appreciates distinct experiences and responsibilities, and depending on the job you're applying for, you'll want to highlight different scenarios and career highlights. This will only improve your chances of getting that much-desired interview.

Samples of teacher Cover Letter

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
RE: Application for Teaching Position

As a passionate teacher with over one year of experience, I’m very enthusiastic about your teacher job opening at your institution. I read your job offer thoroughly, so I know you’re seeking a candidate who can engage students, grade quizzes, and foster communication between parents and teachers, making sure all parties stay abreast of student progress. I believe my curriculum vitae will interest you, particularly because of a few of my education accomplishments from the past year.

Working as an untrained teacher at [name of school] in [state the year], I received vast experience dealing with teenagers. I was the most Engaged Teacher as I acted as a role model and offered counseling’s and advice to the students. During that year, I graded 100+ exams assigned by long-term teachers, subbed a total of 70 days, and communicated with over 100 parents and teachers to track student progress in an engaging and supportive way.

The thing that interests me most about serving students at your institution is your focus on creating an inclusive classroom environment. That fits well with my belief that students of all backgrounds should have a comfortable, engaging place to learn and grow.

Enclosed is my CV for your review. I would value the opportunity to discuss how my writing, public speaking, and conflict resolution skills can help your school continue to improve its quality of education.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Samples of Educational Consultant Cover Letter

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
RE: Application for Educational Consultant Position

For the past years, I have been keenly observing work of [name of the instution] as organization and the noble goal it has empowering the youth through higher education and its devotion to ensuring that not only do the student get through the higher education, but also find the fitting career. I felt motivated to send a cover letter of interest for a job opportunity as education consultant. I have been moved by your organizations’ focus to ensure students are empowered by making the rights choice in their career path, as I am a passionate advocate of youth empowerment.

I graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Social Research and Public Policy with a concentration in Political Science at [name of university]. In the past recent years, I have worked as an assistant project coordinator at [name of company] where I have worked hard to hone my expertise in project research, organization of learning forum, learning material preparation, project coordination, group mobilization, new communication strategies development and report writing.

I believe that my interest, skills, experience, and academic background make me an ideal candidate for this position. I would appreciate an opportunity to meet for an informational interview. I am available for weekday interviews, both telephonically and in-person. Thank you for taking the time to consider my sincere interest in working for your organization and I look forward to speaking to you.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

Key Account Manager Cover Letter samples and examples

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
RE: Job Application for Key Account Manager

With this letter, I would like to express my sincere interest in the above-named position you have available at your organization. As an accomplished key account manager with extensive experience in business development, I possess over 10 years’ experience and wide range of knowledge and talents that will allow me to contribute toward the success of the organization.

I am confident that I would vitally contribute to the success of your company as your next Key Account Manager, delivering dynamic presentations, liaising with cross-functional internal teams, and cultivating strong customer relationships.

My background consists of numerous achievements in the world of sales and marketing. From prospecting new clients and developing markets to analyzing account activities and coaching and managing teams, I excel at strategy development and directing all aspects of account management while continually generating new business opportunities. Furthermore, I have regularly been selected over my peers to service large-scale, top-generating corporate accounts in recognition of my outstanding customer service and relationship management talents.

With a proven history of skillfully handling major corporate accounts while outperform corporate goals and boosting revenues, I am poised to extend my record of exceptional achievement to your organization. I look forward to elaborating on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization. Please contact me on the above contacts, to arrange for a convenient meeting time. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
[Your name]

Samples of finance job Cover Letter

[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Address]
[Company City, State xxxxx]

Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
RE: Job Application for Finance Manager

As a successful professional with more than 10 years of experience leading strategic corporate financial plans and directions, I am well prepared to surpass your expectations. I invite you to consider the enclosed resume as you look to fulfill the Finance Manager role.

My experience lies in driving teams through the development and implementation of strategic financial procedures and systems while establishing effective processes to drive business success. My demonstrated ability to supervise corporate financial and budgetary development—along with my expertise in developing and introducing new policies and procedures to optimize departmental efficiency and productivity—positions me to make a significant and positive impact on your organization.

Highlights of my expertise include the following:
  • Directing a range of functional and operational finance management tasks, including strategic business planning, financial statement preparation and analysis, reconciliation, audits / tax strategies, budget and variance analysis, cash flow management, forecasting, and capital expenditure management.
  • Establishing corporate financial strategies through dynamic participation on key executive committee, facilitating revenue enhancement and profit growth.
  • Developing, training, and managing staff to increase technical skills and enhance overall operations and performance.
  • Demonstrating confidence, motivation, and superior communication skills.
  • With my experience in corporate financial direction and team leadership, combined with my exceptional accounting and analytical skills, I am ready to provide outstanding service within your organization. I look forward to discussing the position with you in detail.

    Yours sincerely,
    [Your name]

    Samples of hotel management Cover Letter

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
    RE: Job Application for Hotel supervisor

    With this letter, I would like to express my sincere interest in the above-named position you have available at your organization. As an accomplished hotel supervisor with extensive experience in hotel industry and management, I possess over 8 years’ experience and wide range of knowledge and talents that will allow me to contribute toward the success of the organization.

    I have background education in food and beverage production, sales, and services. I possess excellent computer skills and I can monitor and keep hotel operations functioning properly.

    My experience includes managing the front desk staff to make sure employees follow company procedures and that they always provide polite and professional service. I have very strong communication skills with the ability to assist managers and staff member with daily operations and to handle any problems they may have. My experience also includes monitoring all group requests to ensure they are being handled correctly and to offer assistant where needed.

    I have the personality and interpersonal skills to talk with the guests to find out how they are enjoying their visit, what they would like to see changed and to simply let them know that their business is appreciated. I have active listening skills with the ability to be attentive, to show compassion for the guests when something has caused them stress, to listen to their complaints and to respond quickly to find a solution.

    I always maintain a friendly and respectful attitude. The attached CV contains a complete look at my work history and skills relevant to this position and I am confident that I am the best choice for this job.

    Yours sincerely,
    [Your name]

    ICT manager Cover Letter Samples

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
    RE: Application of IT Manager Job

    As a working professional in information technology, I am very interested in the IT manager position you have listed. I believe my experience in this field has more than adequately prepared me to work with your company. I am excited to apply my acquired skills to a full-time position.

    The job description suggests that the most important aspect you are looking for is management and leadership. I have spent the last eight years in leadership position with a network companies as senior engineer, team leader and network administrator. During this time, I developed a significant aptitude for delegating tasks, communicating with employees working under me, and assessing and taking charge of a situation. I am confident that I possess the skills necessary to fulfill the requirements for this leadership position.

    I have also gained a thorough knowledge of the technical side of information technology from a career in IT spanning more than eight years. My specific IT focus areas include consultation, support, server setup and maintenance, and project planning.

    Thank you for taking the time to review my attached CV, which will furnish you with information concerning my overall employment background, training, education, and skills. I am prepared to begin working immediately. I greatly appreciate your consideration and would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this job opening with you in an interview.

    Yours sincerely,
    [Your name]

    Community development Cover Letter Samples

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],
    RE: Community Development Job

    I have a proven track record in managing organizations in the voluntary and non-governmental sector. Over the past years, in various roles, I have been involved in community support and promoting the welfare of minority groups in the [country name] regardless of their gender, background, political or religious affiliations. This gave me an opportunity to meet a diverse range of people which allowed me to understand different needs based on collective or individual circumstances.

    To complement my experience, I have gained a BSc International Development and Health Studies from [name of university]. This degree allowed me to gain in-depth-understanding in two different fields of knowledge, both of which will help me to carry out my duty as a Sport and Culture board member effectively and efficiently.

    With excellent organizational and communication skills, an outstanding work ethic and the ability to work well in both team-oriented and self-directed environments, I am positioned to exceed your expectations. I have proven to be a highly motivated, ambitious, honest and accountable individual, able to give timely and accurate advice, guidance, support and training to team members and individuals. I possess excellent management skills and can work with the minimum of supervision.

    Thank you for taking the time to review my attached CV, which will furnish you with information concerning my overall employment background, training, education, and skills. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours sincerely,
    [Your name]

    Marketing job Cover Letter Samples

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

    I am writing to express my interest in the position of marketing executive vacant in your organization. Your posting caught my attention as I am experienced Professional in films industry, with a bachelor’s degree in business management - Marketing. Given that I meet all the requirements for the job of marketing executive, I believe I am a suitable candidate for the listed position. The enclosed CV will furnish you with information concerning my overall employment background, training, education and skills.

    I have over five years’ experience. In my past work experience, I have extensively facilitated accuracy of creative materials, developed physical and digital distribution business plan; assisted in defining market strategy for video adverts and service documentation; networking and maintaining strong relationships with clients and the public at large; demonstrating exceptional interpersonal, problem solving, and collaboration skills, as well as a finely honed ability to sustain outstanding results.

    With key offerings from my breadth of experience, coupled with my enthusiasm and dedication to achieving success, I could swiftly surpass your expectations for this role.

    I see marketing as an ever-evolving field with endless opportunities for innovation and creative new strategies for customer engagement. I have developed an insightful approach to developing customer personas to increase Return on Investment (ROI). I believe my strong leadership, communication, and collaboration skills would make me an excellent fit for a marketing position at your company. I look forward to discussing my ideas and strategies with you to explore how I might best fit your needs. Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours Sincerely,
    [Your name]

    Chef job Cover Letter Samples

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

    As a highly skilled Chef, I read your vacancy posting for Chef with interest. After reviewing your description, it is clear that you are looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with responsibilities associated with this role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, i am certain that i have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations.

    I am a result-oriented professional who has been consistently praised as hard-working by my co-workers and management. Over the course of my career, i have developed a skill set directly relevant to the principal role you are hiring for, including food inspection, food preparation, development of new dishes and menus, kitchen management and inventory control. Overall, i have consistently demonstrated leadership, organizational and management abilities in every aspect of my role at [name of the hotels].

    I invite you to review my detailed CV which will furnish you with information concerning my overall employment background, training, education and skills.

    After reviewing my CV, i hope you will agree that i am the type of competent and competitive candidate you are looking for. I look forward to elaborate on how my specific skills and abilities will benefit your organization. Please contact me on the above contacts, to arrange for a convenient meeting time.

    Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours sincerely,
    [Your name]

    INTERNAL CONTROL Cover Letter Samples

    [Hiring Manager’s Name]
    [Company Address]
    [Company City, State xxxxx]

    Dear [Mr./Mx./Ms.] [Manager’s Name],

    Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the above-named vacant position. After reviewing the job description, it is clear that you are looking for a candidate that is familiar with responsibilities associated with this role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, i am certain that i have the necessary experience and skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations.

    I have over 10 years’ experience working in the NGO and banking sectors and currently I am working with [name of the organization] where I am responsible mainly for compliance, internal audit, control and risk management.

    I also have a strong project audit background having supported several audits including [name them] project audits and well as Global internal audit. I understand the audit cycle and previously managed big project audits done by [list them]. In terms of grants and fund management, I have developed budgets for the project teams and ensured grants are successfully bid and managed effectively. I have managed grants from major donors including [name them].

    My dedication and enthusiasm will enable me to make an immediate and valuable impact to your company. My proven record of managing high-producing teams and realizing significant customer satisfaction and revenue increases will contribute immensely to the success of your organization.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours Sincerely,
    [Your name]

    What is the best way to send a cover letter?

    Unless you're hand-delivering your resume and cover letter, your cover letter will very certainly be sent electronically. Employers may request that you submit your cover letter as part of your application. In other circumstances, they'll request that you send your cover letter together with your resume through email.

    You can achieve this in one of two ways:

    Sending the cover letter as an attachment

    Include a cover letter with your email. If an employer requests that you attach your internship cover letter to an email, you can choose the file from your computer and attach it. Make sure your name is included in the file name. Instead of something generic and difficult to find, like coverletter2.doc, use [Your names]-Cover-Letter.pdf.

    Sending the cover letter in email body

    In the email's body, paste your cover letter If the cover letter isn't requested as an attachment by the company, you can simply put it into the email body. Simply change the greeting to the recipient's name (if you know it).